Thursday, June 30, 2016


Say it.
Say it out loud.
It doesn't have to be
Voluminous and vociferous,
But put it out there nonetheless.
Say it. 

You've been hiding.
It's ok.
You needed protection.
But that bandage isn't helping anymore
And the old wound is festering.

Air it out.
Let the light in.
Shake out the dust;
Get rid of the mould. 
It's time to move forward.
Time to grow.

It's painful.
And uncomfortable
But that's how it goes.
It is necessary and needful
And it will heal you.

So go ahead and say it.
Say it out loud.
Take the power back;
It's your time now.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Welcome Destruction

You saw them coming
I didn't.
The doubts
Like rain clouds in the distance.
You took precautions
I couldn't.
I never felt the danger.

I never heard it
The sudden intake of breath
That speaks of dread
Of tenseness.
Thinking back now,
How could I have missed it?
All that agst and the restlessness?

The downpour was sudden
Fierce and relentless.
The wind launched its assault
Determined and tireless
While my house shook and rattled

I crouched and I cowered.
My voice died as I hollared.
But safe in your bunker
You couldn't be bothered.

I came through the waters
And the treacherous eye.
Shaken and weak
And somehow alive.

You saw them coming.
I never did.
The stormclouds in the distance
That washed our world clean.

Now as I stand here,
They recede.
Now I stand here
Watching you leave.
Now I remain
Alone to grieve.
Now as I settle in
And start to rebuild
It's odd that instead of sadness,
What I find is relief.  

Saturday, June 18, 2016


The blank page:
Fear of beginnings,
Fear of the unknown.
The last full-stop:
Fear of endings,
Fear of growing old.