Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lyrical Essences: Words & Feelings: SoulJah Bwoy

Lyrical Essences: Words & Feelings: SoulJah Bwoy


Don’t ask me how I am,
I’ll just say I’m fine.
Despite the painful feelings
And the bottled up tears,
I’ll play it off,
Say I’m just great
And you yourself?
Don’t inquire after my wellbeing.
Don’t go to my family and ask them
How I’m doing.
They’ll tell you just the same.
They’ll tell you I’m good.
Do I look dumb?
Hell, I don’t tell them everything.

Don’t come round my house
Just because,
Thinking to pass the time of day,
I’m alright without your company.
In fact, I quite enjoy my own.
And I’d prefer the sound of silence
To incessant, pointless talk.

Don’t mistake my smile for simple mindedness.
I’m on to you and your games.
You check up
And feign concern
Just to find out my doings
So you can share them
With your pose down the road
And make like you’re in the know.

Don’t think I need a sitter,
Don’t assume that my sitting
In a quite corner
Means I’m sad.
Keep to your side.
Mind your friends,
Your family,
Your dog,
And let me be.

See I see just where you’re going
With your gift basket
Laden with tempting goodies.
I know your mind
You sly old crocodile.
Keep your grinning comradery
Cause you ain’t no friend of mine.

So, thank you for your offer,
Very generous and ever so kind;
But whatever you’re selling
I ain’t buying.
Better luck next time.


Tea for two ?
No thank you.
I’m dining alone.

Tickets to the theatre please,
Party of one.

I’m a lone ranger,
A solo flyer,
Living quite contentedly
In the company of three:
I, myself and me.

Some may call a life such as this;

Others may scoff.

My smile some may interpret
As a front,
False bravado,
The smoke and mirror tricks
Of a two bit parlour show.

That’s ok.
It isn’t given to everyone
To understand such choices.
And that’s alright too.

So if you see me
By my lonesome,
Don’t feel sorry.
Don’t waste precious energy
In worry over me.
I’m ok really.

My smile,
My stride,
My head held high,
Are all tokens of my serenity.
Testimony to the Light of the Truth
I walk in.

No more pretending
Or self deception here.
No matter what you think you see
When you look at me.
I am free.