Saturday, June 9, 2012

Morning Ritual

Another dawn come round too soon.
Crack an eye open 
And peer around the room.
Punch the alarm for one last snooze;
Wishing it were a pause button instead
So I could spend the day in bed.

Tryin' to be brave 
When all I wanna do is cry,
The ticking clock is my enemy;
I feel time passing me by.

Finally haul myself to my feet- 
Physically conscious 
But emotionally asleep.

Start prepping my game face
On my way to the shower;
Visualizing day's end
As I count down the hours.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Caribbean Vybz

Every now and then I feel the need to get back to my roots and right now I'm doing it musically. Here's a smooth little number by Nelson Serieux that I'm enjoying at the moment. If you like his sound, check out his Youtube channel.