Friday, January 24, 2014

Fire Fall

Let the fire fall.
And we'll watch the hungry flames
Consume the land and the sky,
With the shoreline and the waves.

Let the fire fall
While we bathe in the light 
That washes over all
And dances on the mountains.
Let it burn away the world.

Let the fire fall.

Let it fall I say.
Let it gorge on the corruption
That holds men to its sway.
Let it lap up the riches
Heaped up while others lay
Upon death's doorstep
Or in the thralls of poverty.

Let the fire fall
And let ambition
Come to nought.
Let all the conflicts whither
With the spoils over which we fought.

Let the fire fall.
Let it fall and be done.
And let a new creation grow
From ashes of the fallen one.

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