Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Urban Showers (The Other Side of Rain)

It's raining again.
People's faces are gray, 
As gray and gloomy
As the lowering clouds;
Their movements
As listless as the anaemic sunlight
Filtering down 
During what barely passes for daytime.
Another rainy day in the city.

Cars speed by,
Heedless of the filthy water
That splashes in their wake.
They're just happy to be on the move.
Eager to get where they're going- 

Rain used to mean a day off:
Relaxing with a bowl of soup,
A warm blanket
And the seranade 
Of drops landing on the roof.
Now, rain is a chore.
It means going out
When you'd much rather
Just stay indoors.

Rain used to be such a happy thing:
It meant puddles to explore,
And childish games played in the downpour,
And naked laughter ringing out
Amid the droplets' pitter patter percussion...
Now the rain is cold.
It feels dirty
When it should be cleansing.
It seems to kill the spirit
When it should be uplifting.
Water is, after all, life.
Or should be.

So goes another rainy day in the city.
Wishing it would stop.

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