Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012, Here We Come!

The turkey has been carved, the gifts unwrapped, last carols have been sung and the silent night has given way to the joyous cacophony of New Year's Eve. True to form, I am coming to you at the last possible moment with my best wishes for the holidays ^^. 

End of year is a time when people usually make long lists of resolutions as they get ready to make a fresh start. I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been following this blog journey so far, those of you who visit sporadically, and those people out there who just happened to read an entry or two... may 2012 bring you strength and new growth in your lives. As you continue with your own personal journey, I hope that this year will add positive and powerful chapters to your life story!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Matisyahu: One Day

An absolutely beautiful video. The lyrics of this song capture what the holiday season is all about. It's message is one we would all do good to remember and to carry with us year round. Happy Holidays everybody!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tortoise Wisdom

'Could you be any slower?'
Said the hare to Brother Tortoise,
'Why, I could run to the edge of the world
and back and you'd still be on your doorstep!'

'I don't mind all that Brother Hare,'
replied he in slow deliberate tone,
'As long as I reach my destination,
I don't mind at all how long it takes.'

The years wore on
and Brother Hare continued to run.
He zipped and zoomed
til he almost flew,
growing faster with each passing day.

Brother Tortoise kept on his steady gait,
never faltering in his discipline.
He watched the hare rush
madly toward the end of his days.

It was the same for the hare's son,
grandson and down the line-
Blowing through life
At the speed of sound,
Seeing but never understanding,
hearing but never listening.

The tortoise's life was not so;
He received the greatest prize of all:
For you see,
In taking the time to live,
Brother Tortoise really lived.

Monday, December 12, 2011

In Time

So much to say,
So much to much to try.
So many things unspoken,
Suspended in the mind.
So many battles lost,
So many left to fight.
So many chances untapped,
Rehashed in 20-20 hindsight.
So many lessons to be learnt
Before the final exam.
So many things to let go of
To make room for things to come.
So much washed away,
like water under a bridge.
So much to do, to see,
So many reasons to live.
So many people to meet:
Friends and foes, rivals and allies. 
So many courses to explore
While navigating the river of time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


With the seemingly endless madness of the daily rat race where we run from one obligation to the next, there comes a point when we all need to just stop for a moment and breathe. Just a few minutes where seriousness, responsibility and all the other not-so-fun things that come with being an adult can take a back seat to pure, unadulterated silliness can sometimes make all the difference between staying balanced and having a full-out meltdown.

One of the things I enjoy doing when I have a little downtime is cracking up while watching a good parody- anything from classic sketch shows like In Living Color, MADtv or Saturday Night Live to vloggers like Glozell Green. There's just nothing quite like a bit of comedy to remind you not to take life quite so seriously all the time. I recently came across the Key of Awesome series on Youtube that does some great spoofs so I figured I'd share the laughs. Here are a couple of my favourites (so far).

Adele ft. Angry Birds

Rihanna: We Found Love in a Homeless Place

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gentle Arousal

The first rays break through the dark
Dissolving the walls of solid black with hopeful light.
The air is fresh, unsullied as yet;
The silence, untainted with sound-
A blank canvas
Awaiting the first tender stroke
Of the Artist's humble brush.
As the radiance steals over land and river and sea,
Colours peep out from under blankets of grey 
And stretch their limbs over their surroundings,
Drawing the world out of drowse
And into a vigilent state,
Awakening sight and sound,
Arousing smell and taste.
Restoring feeling and thought.
And night gives way to day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sexual Healing Suite 4: Student Application

Take my hand
Be my guide
Light the path that leads inside
The space
Where I can find 
The key to understanding
The elusive contents of your mind.
With a little patience,
You'll see that I'll prove
A willing student,
A docile dove, 
Ready to learn 
The ways of love.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sexual Healing Suite 3: Physical Geography

You sure put it down tonight.
Your hands,
Your hips,
Your thighs,
Your lips,
Your... mmm

You pulled some tricks out of...
I can't imagine where.
The way you felt,
The way you moved,
The way you smelt,
The way you touched me , 
The things you said...

I sure learned some things tonight.
You taught me how 
To take my time,
To explore, 
To savour,
To tease,
To coax... 

Mmm hmmm...
You brought out some things...
A passion that was new to me,
Ardour-filled discovery.
And together 
We romped,
We rolled,
We played,
We let each other's love unfold...

Ooh baby!
Tonight a whole 'notha world just opened up.
A world of fresh sights,
And tastes,
 And sounds,
A world where mountains,
Valleys and fountains abound.

You put it down last night!
When we connected,
The click was almost audible;
The electricity was palpable;
The emotion breathable;
The ecstasy edible.

Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Stay a little while longer.
Let me lose myself in those eyes.
Bedazzle me with that smile.
Let me lie in the warmth of your touch.
Let me wander across the landscape of your body.
And explore the recesses of you
For just a little bit...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sexual Healing Suite 2: One Night Ninja

Last night you touched me.
It felt like a dream.
So euphoric and surreal,
I just couldn't believe 
It could really be happening.

How funny it seems,
That I find myself questioning
If it was all real.

'Cause now in the daylight
With no body of truth,
The only evidence remaining -
 A vague semblance of proof - 
Is the crinkle in the sheets
On the side of the bed
Where my poor, befuddled head
Tells me you must have slept.

And I curse myself 
For not perceiving you in your stealth,
As silently you crept
Out of the room
And into the night,
Cautiously making your way 
Back to your life.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sexual Healing Suite 1: Celibacy Black and Blues

This lady sang a song
Bemoaning her sad state,
The blues of a circumstantial celibacy 
That had come to be her fate.

I, for one, have never been bothered 
By lack of activity on that account,
And to me these matters seemed 
No great trial to surmount.

But lately there's this nagging feeling
Pulling at my mind.
And though I push it out the way,
It just won't stay on the side.

I've tried the homemade remedies,
The showers tinged with ice
But they just mock my efforts
And tighten up the vice.

See sometimes a body needs a body
To hold them through the night:
To kiss.
To hug.
To make sweet love
 Until embraced so tight,
Together you reach the height 
Of  lovers' bliss
On the wings of pure delight;
Then fall asleep, well content,
To the rhythm of their caresses,
And wake to see the golden dawn
Reflected in their tresses. 

So here I find myself a victim of this celibacy
And Jill, I feel you girl
'Cause this thing here, is really workin' on me...

Monday, October 31, 2011


Today my soul just opened up.
I didn't know it could.
I'd heard it happened to other people
Never thought one day would be my turn.

Today I saw You
For the first time,
And it seems a little odd
That you'd be around someone for so much time,
And find you don't know them at all.

Today I chose to let you in
Where few have ever trod.
Today I decided to take a chance
On this "Person" we call God. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011


It's time...

For all the years spent trying:
Be stalwart, be calm,
Patient and kind,
Yet ever armed;
Be wise and subtle,
Be firm and yet humble;
Be genuine but know how to fake,
Bend like the green willow but never break;
Never let them see behind your game face... 

All the while knowingly lying
For the sake of conforming
To social grace.

The walls I built with reinforced steel
Turned into a prison that would not yield
Even to my hand, 
When, at last a man,
I came to understand
That in weakness there can be strength
In awkwardness, stealth
And underneath poverty, untold wealth.

When at last I opened my eyes
Finally beginning to realise
That I'd read the signs wrong
That I'd been brainwashed all along
Into thinking I needed to kill
All the while amassing debt in an unpayable bill,
Keeping me enslaved, effacing my will;
Leaving me numb, soulless and ill
But demanding more and even more still...

So I decided
It's time:
Time to let go
Time to strip off all the masks and pretense and ego
Time to look into the mirror and finally know
What's really there so I can undergo
The metamorphosis that must inevitably follow...

Time to put all I've learnt to the test.
Time to come face to face with my best.
Time to be strong and leave fear powerless.  
Time to be vulnerable, not time to hide.
And at the edge of this decision, I cried.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Flip It

I don't want to wave this
Like a banner
Because I don't see why I should.
And I don't want the word spreading
Like wildfire
Through the hood.

What we have
Is just for us two
Although you seem to feel
It'd be better if the whole world knew.

I'd much rather it remain
A hidden delicacy
Savoured secretly
In comfort and privacy;
Devoured greedily.

But the DL isn't made
For longevity
And people are beginning to get suspicious. 
Friends and family are poking around
Like packs of rabid sniffer hounds.

So perhaps it's time to make a move
And take this public;
Go on the offensive so the busybodies are routed
Rather than sit back and wait
Until we get outed.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Scandalous Epiphany

Do I know you?
Your face looks kinda familiar...

I'm sure I've seen you before...
Just can't seem to remember where.

You say you don't know me from Adam
But I'm sure I've seen you around.

No honey!
Put that can of mace away
I ain't no stalker.
Gurl you a lil' cray-cray!

So anyway,
What was I about to say?
Oh yeah,
Didn't we go to school together?
College? Or maybe uni?

So I don't know you from school.
Oh you Hindu?
Not church then.

Now I know where I seen you!
You from that strip place on Bar Street...

Oh well,
Gosh look at the time.
I really must be off.
Nice running into you.
Oh and one more thing,
This never happened.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Gaffe-Day

Walk into walls;
Slam doors
At the precise moment
When subtlety and a delicate hand are required.
Groan inwardly
And maybe cuss a little under your breath.
Feel the burning flush
As blood floods the face
In a volcanic rush.
Look for a place to hide:
A rock to crawl under
Or some hole to slither into,
Just to find yourself
Naked in front of a crowd,
In a wide open space
With nowhere to run
And no shelter to be found.
All eyes on you.
Yup, it's all for you.
That's right it is all about you baby!
Today is your day.
It's your time to shine:
A crimson flame
Against their cold, frigid stares.
So close your eyes and make a wish
But try not to trip over yourself in the process
And wind up in an even bigger mess
Or dig yourself in any deeper
Than ya already are.
Just roll over;
Play dead
And maybe things will die down on their own.
But in the meantime
Blow out your candles
While I raise my glass to you.
Happy gaffe-day boo!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Today's Find

It's no secret how much I enjoy good music and youtube is a source of all kinds of music- the good, the bad and the work in progress. A few minutes ago, I happened across a cover of Rihanna's Man Down by a duo of young women who have tremendous potential (in my humble opinion). When I heard Ivana and Jessica, I knew I just had to share. I'm also including a second video in which they do a medley in tribute to 90s R&B and let me say, they really brought it! 

If you like what you hear, go check out their channel at They have tonnes of stuff on there. Also, feel free to share your own musical gems. I'm always happy to discover new voices and styles ^_^.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


When I first saw you,
I thought you were cool.
When you first spoke to me,
I felt we could be friends.
When we first hung out,
I figured this was worth further investigation
So I put in more time.
When you first got that gleam in your eye,
I told myself I had imagined it;
Sure, I knew you liked me,
But you couldn't possibly like me, like me.
When you first admitted your feelings,
I must confess, I was scared.
So I ran.
But you persisted and were rewarded.
When you first won me over,
It was the strangest thing.
I never thought I could give myself to someone like this.
When we first kissed it was electrifying, breathtaking, beautiful...
...And when you left me,
I lost my breath, for good I'd thought.
Yet still I clung to a fragile hope that you'd come back.
But you never did.
When I accepted truth,
My life returned
And with that life I breathed again.
When I began to live once more,
I knew that hope had not been false,
Only misplaced.
And when I hoped, I became strong.
I learned to trust,
To stand, to walk and then to run.
When I first ran again I knew for sure 
That love would not be far away.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Jamz: Shani- One in a Million

When you think summer, you often think summer tunes. You know, there's always that one song that you remember clubbing out to every night with your BFFs, or the song you and your summer flame danced to on that magical evening, or the handful of heaven sent tracks that got you through the most excruciatingly boring eight weeks of your life. Well, in the spirit of estival giving, here's a little ditty to get your waistlines moving.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Out of the Blue

I see you from a distance
And almost turn away
As I get on board bus number eight
And try to find a place,
When suddenly I find myself arrested
In the spotlight of your gaze.
Damn child! Those eyes...

I shift my gaze away from yours
And try to pretend
That nothing really happened;
That I hadn't noticed anything.
But I know that you know
What I know I can't deny-
Damn it's all there
Written in those eyes.

I take a seat and stare out the window
Wordlessly and without second glance at you.
But the streets that snake past,
With the people and buildings and trees
That adorn them,
Barely leave an imprint.
Damn! Those eyes eyes are etched into mine.

You're somewhat older
And not really my type.
...But a rose by any other name
And all that...
Damn, those eyes!

You reach your destination
And for you the bus ride comes to an end.
You step off and out of my life.
Two very different trajectories
That happened to intersect
For a brief moment.
I return to the mundane and familiar
With a sigh.
If I were the smoking type,
I think I'd need a cigarette right about now.
Damn. What a pair of eyes. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

E-Flow Manifesto

My effigy’s
Impressed on thee.
Put no stress on me.

I watch you strut your stuff so impressively
It’s like you’re testin’ me.
And I don’t know
What you think you see
But I’ma bring it;
Be all I can be.
You bring yours too.
Do it dutifully
But oh so beautifully,
So your performance ends tearfully
But also cheerfully.
Let me see you really care for me
Lemme know you’re there for me
So I don’t live fearfully
Though I may move carefully.
Just keep it clean and free from vanity.

Don’t need profanity
To speak expressively
I’m just collectively
Sharing my recipe;
It’s alright if you disagree.
You don’t have to follow me.
Share your affinities
And creativities
With like-minded brothers of fraternities
But there’s no recruiting me.
I’ll walk the path of destiny;
Live life in unity
With those in harmony
With God’s philosophy.
Speak words of prophecy .
No more  hypocrisy.
Drop all the mockery.
Forget what was wrongfully
And undeservedly
Tagged on your back
In scarlet lettery
Flee hopeless tyranny;
Let’s leave captivity
And seek out and pursue real liberty!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ode to the Word

Put pen to paper;
Spell out words.
How lucky we are to be able to compose
Lyrics and verses
And stories and rhymes
And tales tall and fanciful that live on through time.
Yes pen and keyboard,
If small and quite discreet,
Like hammer and chisle  
Are tools mighty indeed
That carve out the great figures
Of which we now boast,
Who on the tides of history
Might have foundered and been lost
Had it not been for the word,
Written and transposed
Then passed on and revived
So their legacy could be kept alive.
Yes, how blessed we are
As inheritors who
Are privileged to receive and add to
A wealth of experiences:
Of victories and defeats,
Of loves lost and found,
Of highs and lows,
Of infamy and renown.
And so,
To your quills, your pads and computers,
If your hearts be so stirred,
As we celebrate the life and times
Of the written word.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A jaunty saunter,
And saucy swagger
Up to the checkout desk
Belies nagging doubt
About what the scales will read
Under the weight of all my baggage.

It really wasn’t my fault.
You see,
What had happened was
I had so many important things to bring along:

My knowledge for starters,
Such wealth as I possess,
Then there was pride and self confidence
(Packed a little extra in my carry-on too),
Oh, and there are those residual hurts
Mementos from obscure episodes in my past,
Of course, I had to make space for complacency and doubt,
My talent, my ingenuity,
Self pity, helpless feelings and anxieties-
No way I could leave those behind!

So I bussed it,
Hoofed it,
Hobbled and taxied
All the way here
And now my bags are starting to tell:
There are some broken straps and handles,
Not to mention a couple of busted zippers
But dammit I made it!

But passing through
the million and one security checks along the way,
(Damn those bloody terrorists!)
I find I’m forced to sort through my affairs
And leave little odds and ends behind:
A mask here,
A worn out excuse there,
Old padding and protections,
Scarves and coats I’d taken as a precaution
But most likely won’t need at my destination.

Even after all these checks
My bags are still so loaded
I can barely drag them along.

I fear that between check-in
And the remaining security stations,
I’ll have no choice
But to cast more and more stuff aside,
So that by the time I reach the gate for boarding
They’ll have me stripped down to nothing
But the bare essentials
Cause this airline don’t give you no allowance for overweight.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


With every choice,
There comes the consequence.
For every risk,
There is a cost
And even not to choose
Becomes itself a choice.
And not to risk,
Is to run a risk:
The risk of being wrong,
The risk of missing out,
The risk of stagnating,
The risk of failing to grow
And being left behind.

I’ve failed you I’m afraid.
I thought I did you justice
I thought I helped you learn,
I thought I nourished you
When in fact
I stifled your creativity,
Your free spirit.
My help, my correction,
Was abuse
And my brand of justice
The most atrocious of
And now I’ve spoilt
What could have been
A beautiful painting;
I’ve thrown out of harmony
A melody that should have
Gone platinum
Many times over.
My selfishness, my fear, my ego
Have marred the tapestry of our lives…

This is my apologetica.

The weight of regret
That lies on my shoulders
Presses down on me
More and more
With each passing day.
I wish
I could turn back the clock
With the knowledge
I now have
And then just maybe…

But how to change?
How to make things right?
How can I rewrite the role
That I have created for
How to break free
Of this image of perfection,
Of innocence, responsibility
And saintliness?
A role produced by others
Before I could yet
Its repercussions
But one which I accepted
And learned to play
With dexterity
And convincing

But this is my apologetica…

I just want you to understand…

…and maybe one day
We can forgive me.