So you think you know it all.
You think you're safe.
You think your precautions
Are all that it will take
To keep you protected
And away from harm.
You put stock in technology
And cutting edge alarms.
You might have been right
But for all your strategizing
You forgot one thing,
That crucial element
You should've factored in.
You're smart and resourceful
But your adversary is more cunning still.
With honey on his tongue and jewel encrusted smile
He slowly took you in
And so you hesitated
When you should have made the kill.
And he laid low
For a hot minute or so
While you rested on the laurels
Of victories won long ago.
And so it happened
That while you slept,
He pressed the advantage
And silently crept
Through all your proud defenses,
Your walls and your electric fences.
All your hi-tech sensors have been undermined
Along with systems for early warning
And you have been kept blind.
But even now you cannot see
That it's too late
For, you see the enemy
Already stands within your gates.