Don't need no help to lift this load
I can manage just fine on my own.
Ask me how I'm doing; I'll say I'm well.
And that's the truth for all you can tell.
I'll come to you when you're sad and blue;
In the midnight hour when you're going through.
I'll be a friend tried and true
Call for me and I'll fly to the rescue.
I'm never sick, I'm never tired.
Oh no, not me, I'm hyped, I'm wired.
Past all this veneer, you'll never see.
And do you really want to when you're living comfortably
With me in this role,
Though it's taking its toll
And eating away at me body and soul?
So I strain and I struggle,
I run and I stumble,
I fall and I tumble,
Go for the the catch but I fumble.
And I make sure that all this goes unheeded
Because you need me and I need to be needed.
I feel the burden and stifle a sigh
Because I've been told that I
Will be all grown up by and by
And big boys, well, they just don't cry.