Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Face Off

I've been afraid of you.
Never wanted to admit it
Cause I thought it made me weak.
But I'm afraid of you.

I've been terrified of you.
The look in your eye, 
The edge in your voice,
The way you hold yourself,
It all terrifies me.

I am scared witless by you.
You drain my confidence
Have me second-guessing every decision,
Every step,
Babbling, rambling, losing my cool,
Losing my control.

I have feared you for so long.
Forever it seems.
But it's a problem.
And the status quo 
Isn't always the way to go.
Fear has run its course.
I need to face you,
And face you I shall.
I might tremble a little,
I might be tempted to pee a little
But I'll come out of it strong.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Army of One

It only takes one voice
To make a difference,
One tiny dislodged pebble
That loosens another 
And brings on an avalanche.
One time is all it takes
For a habit to begin to form
And a single word,
Spoken with boldness- 
A single no,
A simple yes-
Can trigger change
Through the power of influence.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Scar Tissue

I didn't know 
You could affect me like this.
I hadn't realised 
How deep you'd gotten under my skin.
It wasn't til I took a closer look
At the places I'd been,
That I got the real picture
Of the damage within.

I've had time to heal 
From the havoc, burns and breakings
But deep inside there's still a dull aching
That I cannot reach
And it's taking all I've got to stop myself shaking
From the chills that I feel 
At the memory of you
Buried deep underneath
Layers of scar tissue.

Once you were out of my life,
I simply moved on.
I never thought about you.
Not even once.
But for some reason lately,
You've been on my mind;
I can't seem to shut you out.
Believe me, 
I've tried.

I tell myself over and over again
There's no need,
No need at all for me to dwell
On stuff that happened way back when.
But it isn't that simple
And I cried
When I understood how much it's affected my life.

I took it for granted 
When my wounds disappeared,
That all was forgiven,
I had nothing to fear,
The past was behind me,
The future was here.
But it was just this scar tissue
Numbing me at the point where
There was a major issue
And I couldn't see clear.

Now I see for myself
How much I surrendered 
Through ignorance of my health,
How all of the pain that I had disguised
Had me running on fumes.
Fumes made from lies
That created a spectre like a monstrous tower
That loomed high above me 
In whose shadow I cowered.

Now I've found the courage
To reclaim my power.

Now I won't let you daunt me
No matter how much you glower.

 Now I have the remedy 
That truth brought home to me:
Love and forgiveness
Have healed me fully.
Now the hurt and the pain 
Are gone finally.
And the marks on my flesh,
Those dark, ugly scars
They are bookmarks of lessons learnt
And now, that's all they are.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wake Up Call

Eyes closed, mouth shut,
Let you have the things you want.
Sat back, content to watch
Now I see that I was such
A fool to leave so much unsaid
In hopes that things would sort themselves.

Just because you say so,
It doesn't mean that you know best.
And just because you think you know,
It doesn't nullify the rest.

If I had a dollar for every time I let
You have your way to avoid an argument,
I'd be a frickin' billionaire! 
You couldn't see how it affected me
Or else you didn't care.

Just because you have opinions
Doesn't mean you can ignore my reasons.
And just because you've had your say,
It doesn't make my words unnecessary.

I am not a genie you can summon
When you feel the urge to play
But whom you can stuff into a bottle
When you're done for the day.

Just because you've grown by leaps and bounds,
It doesn't give you the right to crowd me out.
And just because you have a voice,
It doesn't mean you get to veto my choice.

I am not a switch 
That you can just flip on or off
And frankly, right about now I have  
Had more than enough.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Deconstructing the Man-Child

Dolls and guns and building blocks,
Make-up, tops and Tonka trucks
Don't all make the most suitable toys
For the games of little boys.

Or maybe you're not a boy at all.
Maybe you're really a little girl.
You'll never make it in this world
If you don't toughen up and stand tall.

Little boy you're way too soft.
You've been too coddled.
You're not manly enough.

Hands straight, wrist's way too limp
Folks'll think you're a weakling,
A sissy, a wimp.

So what if you don't care for sports?
There lies your province
And you'd better conform.

Take your tears and stuff 'em down.
Who cares if you're hurt?
There are people around!

These feelings of yours, they have no place
Out in society
You have to save face
No matter the cost or what toll it may take.

Don't look at me like I've got you vexed.
We are the grown-ups
And we know what's best

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day in the Doldrums

With nothing to do,
I stretch out and lie flat
Feeling the wood
Dig into my back.
I exhale all the tension, 
Look to the sky
And observe there aloft
Mirrored life passing by.
The wind in the sails
Has grown old and died,
The currents are still
There's no hope in the tide.
Here I'm suspended,
Hostage of the Fates
Ignorant of 
What new thing awaits
In the upcoming minutes, 
Or hours, or days.
While my vessel sits quiet
With nary a wave
Or even a ripple
Upon crystalline sea,
I drink in the silence
And learn to just be.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Weather False-Cast

Fair to partly cloudy
With a risk of scattered showers,
And I was ready for a lovely day.
Wasn't worried 'bout the rain 
'Cause I knew it'd go away;
When it came
The sun would always be there
To shield me from the pain.

So when the drops they started fallin'
I didn't think it was a warnin',
Never been afraid of a little gray.
Wasn't til some hours later 
When the drops had grown much greater,
That I suspected gloom was here to stay.

Well the weatherman was talkin'
'Bout all the systems workin'
In the atmosphere 
Said there wouldn't be a problem;
All my concerns he'd solve 'em
Now I wanna know what's goin' on round here.

I'm talkin' to you Weatherman.
You ain't nothin' but a charlatan.
You sold me bundles of false hope
With your slick smile and the words you spoke.
So I'm callin' you out Mr. Weatherman
Speak up now, if you can.

I heard the thunder rolling in the distance
And decided it was time to listen
For an update from the radio.
I knew it was a bad omen
When the wind that had been sighin'
Began to scream and then to roar.
Next came the forecast I'd been dreadin'
And confirmed the thing that I'd been guessin':
I was caught out in a raging storm.

It's flash floods and landslides
And people fearin' for their lives.
I can't believe that this could happen
Just when I should be relaxin';
I'm caught up in a war of elements
When I never enlisted or gave my consent.

Gale force winds,
Water on the rise,
Pounding surf;
Lightening flashes 
Make me want to hide.
A small craft advisory is in force,
I doubt if it could get much worse.

I know this storm is not your fault
But you should have known to warn me first.
I never saw it comin',
Got blindsided this mornin',
I mean I was so damn unprepared.
This thing it hit me at unawares
When you should have had my back
And I will always blame you for that.

Talkin' to you Weatherman,
Cruel, heartless charlatan.
With your good looks and boyish charm
You took me in and you disarmed
And put me in the way of harm
Instead of sounding the alarm.

Talkin' to you Weatherman,
Slick, smooth talkin' snake oil man.

Talkin' to you Weatherman,
I survived despite your plan.

Talkin' to you Weatherman,
I'll never fall for you again.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

There is life

There is life.

Underneath the frigid snow,
And in the dungeons far below
The rugged surface of the earth
Are troves of unimaginable worth
Far away from prying eyes
And the groping fingers of thieving spies
There is life.

In deserts dry, dusty and bare,
You'll find that even there
To the well-trained, practiced ear
There pulses in the atmosphere
Hums and sound of endless chatter
From secret pools of living matter.
There is life.

In a world of hearts gone cold
Where robots and zombies march without souls,
There still exists a hidden laughter
For those who believe in a happily ever after
The spark of warmth that radiates
Will melt the frost upon some gate
That leads down old, forgotten paths
To where the weary, wayworn heart
Can take its rest and find some peace
And there you'll find it
Life indeed.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Shapes in the Clouds

 Never was a fan of squares.
All those straight lines 
And sharp edges
Always seemed too severe.

But triangles just weren't my thing.
Too pointy,
Too pompous and ominous 
And rigid.

I tried the circle routine.
And that gave me boundaries... 
For a while,
But I mostly remember
Being dizzy all the time.

So maybe, I'm not meant to be geometric 
Never been good at fitting into the norm.
Perhaps what I need is something less electric.
I'd probably be better off with a more organic form.

Curves and squiggles,
That entice laughter and giggles.
A world where rhyme weaves tapestries out of riddle,
Where caterpillers hold court 
And cats play the fiddle,
Where myth and legend can cavort 
In fields of the Elysian sort.

So rather than passively feeling out of place,
I'm gonna migrate,
Find myself a climate
That's much more suited to my taste;
A land fit for an itinerant space case.