So it’s November-
And I could have waited.
Autumn breezes are blowing cold;
Summer’s good-bye kiss has faded.
Darkness comes early
These days-
It’s the season of Night.
No use in chasing after daylit hours,
They’ve gone south, in search of Light.
And it’s November again.
I’m not sure just how this makes me feel-
I mean
It was ushered in by Halloween
And, for some, will climax in Thanksgiving.
But for me,
It says winter’s back.
And I’m not sure that makes me happy.
Snow, hot chocolate and mulled wine
Are all well and good,
But somehow I don’t relish having to cover up
With gloves and scarf and hood.
But it’s November again;
There’s no arguing that.
Yet when I'm reminded of the gift it gave
So many years ago
In the form of a tiny swaddled babe,
I can't help but think the fact
That it’s November again
Might not be as bad as all that.