Monday, May 26, 2014

Big Boy Pants

I'd been expecting you
But you never showed up 
Why didnt you come?
Guess you called my bluff.

I spent my time
Hovering, it seems,
Between murky reality
And half lucid dreams.
Guess I was dodging the rough.

I'd always imagined 
That when you got here
Mysteries would unfold;
That my path would be clear.
Guess that was delusional stuff.

Eyes to the people
For a solution
Turned out to be nothing
But noise and confusion.
Then I decided 
To look on the inside
But found I couldn't live off
Hurt feelings and pride.
Guess I wasn't enough.

Severed the cord
But only in word
Time to cash in my actions;
See what my mouth's really worth.
Guess it's time for tough love. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Unconscious Uncoupling

So close
We were the closest
Of friends
We were the bestest
Of loves
Ours was the greatest
Of falls
This was the hardest.

Your eyes told stories
Far beyond words
Never had to explain things
Emotions were heard
I could always tell what you were feeling
Like your own personal
Human mood ring
And you never had to ask
"Well what do you think?"
Cause we were in tune
On a wave and in sync.

Many times I've heard it said
That all good things
One day come to an end.
So then what about the bad?
What message does that send?
Kinda makes me second guess
The meaning of "friend".

Something's broken
Or else something's grown
And for some reason or other
We don't fit anymo'.
It just happened so quick though
Quicker even than I could follow.
This truly is a hard pill to swallow.
Guess you can never predict
How the wind's gonna blow,
Just like that, overnight,
you've become
A person that I used to know.