Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Colour Chameleon Brotha

Help me. 
I really need you to
'Cause frankly, on my own
I just can't seem to wrap my head around
Some of the things you do.

You idle on street corners
From sunrise 'til dark of night
Watching other people hustle
While you stand around and pick fights.

You gawk at all the ladies
As they pass round your way
And give whistles and cat calls
Which you seem to regard 
As some kinda foreplay.

You hangin' around 
Refusin' to work
And give others a shake-down 
Like they owe you a part 
Of the fruit of their labour,
Of their sweat and their pain-
Tell me, are you a man
Or some carrion crane?

You watch me as I walk
And make dirty remarks 
In part to soothe a guilty conscience
From the things you do in the dark.

You attack and you threaten,
You harass and beat down,
You puff yourself up
When your crew is in town,
Then come back all humble
When there's no one around.

All these things you do
In the presence of others
But turn around when you need me
And say that we're brothers.

Well, tell you what Mr. Man,
I may be gentle but I am not weak,
I may sound inexperienced but I'm anything but thick;
You may see me walk humble
But I'm certainly not cheap.

And as for the fact 
That we could be family,
Colour may say you're a brother
But you're a stranger to me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Never had a place
To call a permanent home.
Raised a nomad,
A water child,
The drifter’s heart beats within my chest.

You may welcome me for a while.
For a time I may find contentment
Within your walls,
But never shall I be fully yours,
Nor you mine.

And that is the lesson
We both must learn.
For one day the wind will sound the call
Through the horns of the sea.
Then I’ll be gone again.

I may return,
And yet may not.
Of that I am never certain.
For the Will that guides my feet
Is not my own.

I am not sad,
I feel neither loneliness
Nor self-pity.
This is my life.
This is my destiny.
Don’t weep.

Though hard such words may seem to you,
I merely speak the truth.
Settling would only bring misery,
Like trying to keep a humming bird in captivity.

Like a solitary butterfly,
I was meant to wander.
Belonging is not a word
That fits the contours of my soul,
So I must leave.

The wise say to those who will heed,
Forewarned is forearmed.
And so I say to you,
And wish these words well timed and fitly spoken:

Adieu fair soul,
Friend of my heart and spirit,
I wish you love and happiness-
Heaven knows you deserve it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

La flor

Al amanecer,
Yo vi el capullo
Nuevo, inocencia de verde claro,
Salpicado de gotitas de rocío,
Luciendo en la luz del joven sol.
La juventud de una flor.

Luego, el sol en vía de elevarse
Los pétalos empezando su brote:
Tiernos, flamantes, rojos
Rumbo a un fin no lejos.

A media mañana,
El capullito ya no estuvo.
En su lugar se veía
Una flor-
Florita bonita:
Media-abierta, tímida, novata.

Más tarde, el sol instalado
Bien alto en el cielo
La flor ya fue completa-
Grande, encarnada, opulenta.

Inocencia, novedad, timidez
Recuerdos olvidados de la niñez
De la flor intacta,
Bien sentada
En la copa de sus sépalos-
Viejos protectores, encerrando óvulos.

Está para empezar otra etapa
Bien lista, madura, integra.

In Memoriam

A feeling
Like dancing butterflies
Leading to astounding feats
Of abdominal acrobatics.

Joy, delight,
Brave devil-may-care face
And taking of risk;
Knife in hand,
The world is my oyster.

Drive and strength:
Feeling like I can heal the world.

Then, at a word,
A heedless act
Of innocent ignorance...

Sudden spiraling, dizzying,
Heart-stopping freefall
Into chasms of winter,
Subzero temperatures;
Walling willing tears
Behind thick palisades of ice
And heavily guarded bulwarks.

Adieu to this emotional roller coaster.
The ride stops here.
So I celebrate this Mass
In memoriam of you
Elusive heart:
House of delusive visions,
Menagerie of glass figurines
Feigning the appearance of diamonds.

I stand at your graveside
In mock mourning
Over your throbbing form,
all the while knowing
you will one day rise from your sepulchre
Like some vengeful zombie
Bent on wreaking the havoc
Or nervous euphoria
That is your design.

Awash with regret
for the time wasted
not knowing how to put you to use,
preferring to shut you away.
But in the meantime,
I will walk in free, unfeeling purity.
Back turned to the headstone
which simply reads:
To my heart, in memoriam...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Passive Rebellion

Yes saying,
Over bending,
Bowing and scraping
For fear of hurting,
Of offending.
Knowing all the while
These grand benevolent gestures,
While the outworking of genuine inclination,
Go against the grain
Of what my heart desires.

Tug at the reins,
Get me out of bed.
Foot dragging,
Smile faking,
Anger suppressing,
Self denigrating,
Late arriving,
Phone call dodging...
Purely coincidental,
Or essentially symptomatic
Of a deeper ailment?

Guilty conscience tears away
At the fibre of my soul.
Laughter and joviality feigned and forced
Become a greater chore.
Want to run and hide away
Leave responsibility in the dust-
Oh to conform!
To give whole heartedly!
To be full and true!
Get past this insanity
Free to be me entirely!

Kaleidoscope Night

Vivid reds streak across the sky

Burning oranges lap at the edges
of the thin lines of pale blue
that merge into bands of
sultry, shadowy purples and violets
the flaming sun orb is now out of sight
yet its emissaries seem to follow
even as the train speeds away
in the opposite direction-
toward the darkened dome of heaven
flecked with glinting, silvery dots
like bits of glowing confetti
After a party-
the end of another day.

The train is followed by another body
more discrete
but stern in the beauty of its cold, milky light
commanding awe
as it presides over the affairs of the dark
making sure that obscurity is kept in check-
the beginning of the night.

The streetlights awake,
while somewhere the first lightbulb comes to life
the streets continue to bustle with commuters-
the last shoppers,
day workers homeward bound,
friends out for a sit down at the corner café,
nocturnal laborers on their way to the grind.
The club hoppers and other night time species
will soon appear on the scene,
but it is too early for that yet.

The train keeps going,
its passengers ride on,
some in a hurry to reach their destination,
others a bit apprehensive,
still others sit indifferent-
this is routine,
Just a trainride is all.
Small towns and villages fly by
life passing life
one going at the regular pace,
the other gliding on in fast forward.

So many parallel stories,
the plots running along similar lines
but never intersecting
As evening shrouds the land
I find it funny how
each character in the great novel of the world
could experience the exact same thing
in so many different ways.

La Despedida

Se fue hoy
Yo lo vi
Cargando sus maletas,
Despidiéndose de todos.

Se fue hoy,
Y desde la ventana
De la cárcel de mi dolor,
Yo miré y vi
Los últimos abrazos,
Las primeras lágrimas.

Se fue hoy
Lo vi partiendo,
Llevando con él
El pedacito que corresponde
Al vacío que ha quedado
En mi corazón
Y que provoca mi sufrimiento.

Se fue hoy
Y en el huerto
En el que pasamos lindos momentos,
Se ha instalado el invierno:
Todo está gélido,
Blancura hermosa y terrible,
Sencilla, insensible.

Se fue hoy
Dejándome solo, triste, vacío.

Se fue hoy,
Y no me quedo con nada más
Que recuerdos.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dawn of Sound

A quiet vibration
Disturbs the silent air.

Gathering momentum,
It slowly grows into a dull murmur
As it ripples through the room.

Travelling across the space,
It begins to interact in waves:
Intersecting, converging and diverging
To create an acoustic vagueness
Like a blurry smudge of sound.

As the fuzzy resonance
Becomes more audacious,
Textures and patterns emerge
Into rhythmic, pulsating harmony.

In that instant,
That space awakens
And vibrates in time with the melody.

In that moment,
There is light;
And with that light,
There comes vision.

The air is now
A thing that is breathed;
In that breath, there is sound:
Sound that moves and quivers and vibrates...

... And in that sound,
There is LIFE.