A singular artist! C'est vrai que ça fait deux vidéos de suite et de la même artiste en plus mais je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do ;)
I've tried the whole blogging experience but I wasn't really consistent with it so, here I am trying it again. This time I'm making it more about sharing writing and exchanging ideas. Here we go!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Latent Emotion
Emotions and feelings are an awful to-do
Perhaps that's the reason
I don't let them show through.
See, these things become messy, and sticky
And so
I look for other ways for me to let you know
How important you are to me in my life
But my subtle overtures have become a cause of strife.
For somehow,
I've failed in my duty to you
To make you aware of how much I do
Care about you, about this, about us
Despite the fact I seem to never make a fuss.
So if circumstances lead you to think,
That when it comes to you
I couldn't give a blink,
Just step back for a minute;
Look past all my fronting- which is purely absurd
Then you'll find that I do care
Far beyond gesture and word.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Conflicting Signals
My strut and swagger
As I walk by your side,
You might think to equate
With youthful pride;
If I get a little giddy
Whenever you swish by
Well I just can't help it,
'Cause you give me a natural high.
When you try to look at me
But I turn the other way;
When you ask for some TLC
And I say that I can't stay;
When you join me and my crew
And I act like you ain't there,
I'm not being heartless and cruel...
Quite the contrary,
It's 'cause I care.
As I walk by your side,
You might think to equate
With youthful pride;
If I get a little giddy
Whenever you swish by
Well I just can't help it,
'Cause you give me a natural high.
When you try to look at me
But I turn the other way;
When you ask for some TLC
And I say that I can't stay;
When you join me and my crew
And I act like you ain't there,
I'm not being heartless and cruel...
Quite the contrary,
It's 'cause I care.
Breaking Point
If you could count the stars
Or number every grain of sand;
If you could divine
All the ways of spirit or of man;
If you could read beyond the surface
and descry the intricacies of the intent within,
Could you still be loving, benevolent, kind?
Or would you seek their utter ruin?
Or number every grain of sand;
If you could divine
All the ways of spirit or of man;
If you could read beyond the surface
and descry the intricacies of the intent within,
Could you still be loving, benevolent, kind?
Or would you seek their utter ruin?
Comment pourrais-je me ficher de toi? Version 2
Je ne me fiche pas de toi.
Tu le sais n'est-ce pas?
Toutes les fois où j'ai pu paraître distant, loin, distrait,
Je ne pensais qu'à toi, tu sais?
Je ne me fiche pas de toi,
Bien que toutes mes pensées je les exprime pas.
Je cherche d'autres moyens de partager ce que je ressens,
Et si mes tentatives ne débouchent pas toujours,
Ce n'est pas par indifférence à toi et tes charmants atours.
Non, je ne me fiche pas de toi;
Que tu le mettes en doute me pousse vers le désespoir.
Comme de la craie sur un tableau noir,
Le mal que ça me fait se lit comme une évidence
Dans chacun de mes mots, de mes gestes, de mes grimaces...
...Et quoique tu serais tentée de croire,
Sache que je ne pourrais jamais me ficher de toi....
Comment pourrais-je m'en ficher de toi?
Je m'en fiche pas de toi.
Tu le sais n'est-ce pas?
Toutes les fois où j'ai pu paraître distant, loin, distrait,
Je ne pensais qu'à toi, tu sais?
Je m'en fiche pas de toi.
Tu le sais bien maintenant,
Sinon pourquoi serais-je resté,
Pourquoi aurais-je toléré
Tes manies, tes jeux, ta naïveté?
Non, je m'en fiche pas de toi;
Pourtant il est temps de te dire au revoir.
Et comme de la craie sur un tableau noir,
Le mal que ça me fait se lit comme une évidence
Dans chacun de mes mots, de mes gestes, de mes grimaces...
Et quoique les autres veulent que tu croies,
Sache que je ne pourrais jamais m'en ficher de toi....
Tu le sais n'est-ce pas?
Toutes les fois où j'ai pu paraître distant, loin, distrait,
Je ne pensais qu'à toi, tu sais?
Je m'en fiche pas de toi.
Tu le sais bien maintenant,
Sinon pourquoi serais-je resté,
Pourquoi aurais-je toléré
Tes manies, tes jeux, ta naïveté?
Non, je m'en fiche pas de toi;
Pourtant il est temps de te dire au revoir.
Et comme de la craie sur un tableau noir,
Le mal que ça me fait se lit comme une évidence
Dans chacun de mes mots, de mes gestes, de mes grimaces...
Et quoique les autres veulent que tu croies,
Sache que je ne pourrais jamais m'en ficher de toi....
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tinashe - Zambezi
This was too beautiful not to share. I could listen to it over and over again. Matter of fact, I think I will.
Check out more of Tinashe's music at his Youtube channel by clicking on the link below:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I liked you.
I really thought I did.
I liked you from the day I saw you;
Truth is I'd probably like you
I fell for you.
I really did.
I fell hard; fell head over heels
And kept on falling
You got me.
You really did.
You had me there for a while
Then the spell was broken
and it fell apart...
and it fell apart...
…as things eventually will.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Man
Walking through the streets one day
In the pouring rain,
There strode a man,
With droplets running down his brow
And dripping from his mane.
A man dressed all in black,
Very nondescript as a matter of fact,
Not handsome or ugly,
Or even interesting to look at.
He wore no scarf
Nor watch nor hat,
But a man he was,
As simple as that.
He was a man
Neither silly nor vain,
A man with little worth in just his name
For he bore no titles and desired no fame.
He was a man of an ordinary sort,
With no tales to tell
Or adventures to report.
A man he was,
Though simple and plain,
With no wealth or estate he could rightfully claim;
Without embellishments or worldly acclaim,
Without embellishments or worldly acclaim,
Yet a man he was,
A man all the same.
real value,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hypothetically Speaking
What if I stopped trying to hide
And simply let go of my folly and pride?
What if today were the day
I gave up on the games
And stopped being so preoccupied with issues of shame?
What if I stopped trying so hard
And simply let go and let God?
What if today were the day
All your dreams came true?
Would it be worth all the things you had to go through?
What if you found out
You only had hours to live,
Would you still be proud of all the things you did?
What if you lost the thing
You've been holding on to with all your might,
Would you still have the courage to plod on and fight?
What if after all the years
Of being adamant and headstrong,
We suddenly woke up to find we were wrong?
What if we gave our best
Even when the way got rough,
And found that our best was not good enough?
What if we had all the answers,
Would we still have questions?
And if we had no questions,
Could we still learn life's lessons?
What if we abandoned all lies
And lived only for truth
Would we be humble enough
To accept the truth about me and you?
What if we stopped being enemies
And tried to be friends
Would the time we had left suffice to make full amends?
What if you were me and I were you
Do you think we each could walk a whole mile in the other's shoe?
making progress,
moving forward,
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Brandy "Warm It Up (with love)" Music Video
With all the stuff going on in today's world, I just feel like this is a video with a powerful message that should be shared.
Who says TV is all JUNK and no substance?
In yet another departure from what I usually do on this blog, I'd like to share a couple of quotes that have spoken to me lately. They are both from television so those of you looking for classical literature or something a little more hoity-toity shouldn't get your hopes up. Anyway, here they are:
"At a certain point in your life, probably when too much of it has gone by, you will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are, especially for everything that made you different from all the awful normals. And you will say to yourself, 'But I am this person.' And in that statement- that correction- there will be a kind of love." Miss Dodger, Phoebe in Wonderland
"Unacknowledged feelings are like a drunken cousin at a family reunion.They never shut up so you can hear anyone else and you have to be able to hear what's next in your life, what path you might want to travel down... you have to be able to see what's right there, right there, right in front of your eyes..." Nora Walker, Brothers & Sisters
"At a certain point in your life, probably when too much of it has gone by, you will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are, especially for everything that made you different from all the awful normals. And you will say to yourself, 'But I am this person.' And in that statement- that correction- there will be a kind of love." Miss Dodger, Phoebe in Wonderland
"Unacknowledged feelings are like a drunken cousin at a family reunion.They never shut up so you can hear anyone else and you have to be able to hear what's next in your life, what path you might want to travel down... you have to be able to see what's right there, right there, right in front of your eyes..." Nora Walker, Brothers & Sisters
Brothers and Sisters,
Phoebe in Wonderland,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
On Being
Originally ordinary,
Uniquely gifted,
Singularly me...
My life a journey,
My days an Odyssey,
A work of art in the making,
Each second a brushstroke
on virgin canvas;
The swift motion of passing moments
weaving fresh strings into the living tapestry.
This is the beauty of our being,
The lustre of individual lives
Whose sum total reflects
The essence of existence...
The splendour of the great
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Energy in action
Poetry in motion
Honest and false;
Fair and foul;
Gentle and violent
Romp around on the same playground
Light and dark;
Truth and error;
Fact and fallacy
Lie together in the same bed
Endless possibility,
Journey with no itinerary,
River ever flowing,
Tapestry ceaselessly evolving,
Hands tirelessly working,
Matchless artwork unresting in the carving...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Confessions of an Emotional Junkie
Damn gotta get me a hit!
Been a while since my last fix
And I already got the jitters.
Usin’ is pain
But not usin’ is pure hell.
Spend my days hopped up on the stuff
And it feels so good.
My nights are kaleidoscopic -
It’s trance-coloured, psychedelic bliss baby.
Obsession with the next fix occupies my lucid moments:
Where I’mma get it,
Who gonna supply it,
How I’mma enjoy the rush
And keep my lil secret safe.
The best part is I pay nothing.
Dealers don’t know they dealin’
Victims don’t know they bein’ victimized-
Everybody wins!
…Everybody but me.
I feed myself on fantasy,
Flatter myself with honey-scented lies
That make me feel better
And take my mind off the things
I need to,
But don’t want to, think about:
I objectify
And project
Anxieties, fears, pressure, expectations
Through other eyes.
Combined with copious amounts of guilt and judgment,
You get a heady, intoxicating concoction
Guaranteed to give you the ultimate rush.
Am I a masochist?
Maybe a little.
Cause I’m locked in a prison of my own design
Yet cannot bring myself to use the key dangling from my neck
To free myself.
Freedom is foreign
And hurt is my drug,
That’s how I get my buzz.
I’m so far gone;
I’m in so deep;
I’m down so low
That the low gives me a high
And makes me fly
Up to the sky-
I’m way up there like my own constellation.
I’m speeding like a comet.
I blaze up on re-entry
Till I hit the ground
In a smoldering crater.
Then I’m up again,
Caught in my perpetual
Crash and burn cycle.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Until the rain subsides:
With our shoulders barely touching,
And only static-charged air in between;
While the sound of the raindrops
Make melody amidst the leaves,
Sliding languidly from one to the other,
Rolling from twig to branch to trunk
Penetrating soft earth toward root.
While seed becomes sprout
And bright infant green
Matures into deep, virile tropical hues.
Fast-forward from one season to the next,
While the sun runs its daily race
Across azure, misted, greyed-over vault.
Life taking its course.
Until the last drops of dew
Evaporate from the last blossom.
Linger on
Beside me.
Hold me in your gaze-
Now smouldering passion,
Now soft and tender,
Foggy with sleep,
Bright with excitement,
Seeing through me and all the fronts I put up,
Looking past the present into the future-
Until the stars go out,
And the horizon begins to glow.
With me.
Get wild,
Throwing caution to the wind.
But be.
Until our bodies intertwine
In time,
‘Til our hearts collide and bond,
Til our minds become as one.
Til the ocean says your name
And the clouds draw you portraits of me.
Be mine
And I be yours.
While cities grow,
And children become the elderly,
While wars rage,
And we age,
While crises come and go,
And we fight our battles aft and fore,
Til the tempest calms
And lets us drift into beyond.
How can you say I'm not grown?
Stretched to my bordering 6-foot length,
I'm almost a giant compared to you!
How can you say I am not a man?
Watch me stroke the stubble growth
Stamping the virile seal on my chin.
How dare you assume me to be less than an adult!
I work for my money, I bring home the bacon,
Taking care of myself- I am handling my business,
Thank you very much!
So what if I throw the occasional fit
When I don't get my way?
I don't see you dancing with glee
When things don't work out.
Think you all that and a bag of chips
Just because you married
Got a couple kids
That don't make you my daddy!
I stand on my own
And I'm damn proud,
So don't you pity me
Save your charity for the beggars.
Say I got avoidance issues.
Well Mr. Psychologist,
Before you try to analyse me
Why don't you go dust off the skeletons in your closet!
I sound angry?
Damn straight!
I'm mad as hell!
What you gon' do 'bout it- nigga?
I work,
I sweat,
I till the earth,
I make ideas blossom,
I bend over backwards
In positions they'd have to edit the Karma Sutra to catalogue!
On the grind
All the time.
And what that get a brother?
I'll tell you what a brother get-
A big fat-ass lump of golden nothing!
Yeah I got issues,
I give everything
To a job I hate
And would leave in a heartbeat
If I didn't have all these bills due.
So you think you know me?
Think you got me figured out?
Well to hell with you and all your theories,
Mr. university graduate!
I got better things to do.
Unseemly? Vulgar? Unsightly?
Does my emotion bother you?
Make you uncomfortable?
Too messy?
Oh I should have some decorum?
Well guess what Mr. Maturity
That's life.
And this is where my humanity is at.
So I'm going to bare my soul.
Strip down and let it all hang out.
Dip my thang,
Scream to the heaven.
Then, Imma pick up my clothes,
Lick my wounds,
Get dressed,
And start again.
At least I deal with my stuff.
And that is my maturity!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Today I looked up
And saw the sky
And trees
And birds
And things lofty and high.
Today I let my gaze wander
Past the sight of things familiar
To rest on those beyond the scope
Of me and I and ego.
That glimpse my inner being awoke.
Today I saw,
I heard,
I felt
The world afresh
Like a small bear cub after the winter melt.
I felt…
Looking Through Fresh Eyes
Walking down the street today I had an experience that I just couldn't help but share. Without over exaggerating things, I have to say that I feel like I bordered on epiphany. I can’t quite explain exactly how it happened but, all of a sudden, I looked up and saw a balcony on a building that I must have passed at least a hundred times in the last six years. That one balcony looked like such a perfect place to relax and people watch, that I started to look around me at the other buildings I passed to see what I might have missed as I rushed by in the whirlwind of activity that has been my life over the past four years. I honestly have to say, I was taken aback by the number of extraordinarily ordinary details I've seen but never noticed in my frenetic ego-centric rush to get here or go there or do this or that.
I suppose that what I'm really talking about is taking the time to smell the proverbial roses. It's something we talk about enough but one which not many of us actually do. And it seems like the older we get (at least in my experience), the less we live. And I'm not just talking about having fun either because what strikes me as I write this, is that we can even get so absorbed in our pursuit of pleasure that we still don't really enjoy living. I mean, can you call a life where you're constantly exhausted as a result of overwork, excessive partying or anything else living?
This quite ordinary experience has really opened my eyes to the way I've been going about my life. It's not to say that I regret anything, I just realize that I need to step back from my own stuff on a regular basis in order to look at the big picture. Interestingly enough, it showed me that I don't even have to take time out to do so. I mean, I was on my way to the tax office at the time it happened, (I know, who needs the club when there's the tax office right?). It's something we can do while about our daily business. It can really be that simple.
So, why not take a couple seconds to slide your stuff over into a corner and look at what's out there- besides you. This is by no means an endorsement of procrastination, mind you. If you have a report due and shirk that to go traipsing through the local mall, don't cite me as the one who told you to do it! But do take a minute to think outside your schedule, your friends, your responsibilities, your pleasure, your needs and wants because there's a great big world out there! It's quite easy and most of all, it will leave you energized and refreshed like nothing else- and who knows, you just might find the inspiration you need to tackle your own issues.
Here's to a new perspective on living!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Bottom to Top
It’s impossible.
I can’t.
You won’t make it.
He’ll never amount to anything.
Why bother?
No one cares about you.
Stupid girl!
So many things we are told;
So many things that are imposed,
Allowing ourselves to be sold
Into slavery;
Chained to fallacy;
Sentenced to misery.
Till one dares to give the shout,
To sound the alarm
And cry
Get out!
Gone the time of self reproach,
The days of weakness past.
Now a new dawn has broke.
A soul from nightmare prison woke.
Forging ahead,
Free from dread.
Ready to give.
Free to breathe,
To love,
To hope,
Living truly
Not simply trying to cope.
Standing tall
And firm
And grand,
No longer a boy
At last a man.
I can’t.
You won’t make it.
He’ll never amount to anything.
Why bother?
No one cares about you.
Stupid girl!
So many things we are told;
So many things that are imposed,
Allowing ourselves to be sold
Into slavery;
Chained to fallacy;
Sentenced to misery.
Till one dares to give the shout,
To sound the alarm
And cry
Get out!
Gone the time of self reproach,
The days of weakness past.
Now a new dawn has broke.
A soul from nightmare prison woke.
Forging ahead,
Free from dread.
Ready to give.
Free to breathe,
To love,
To hope,
Living truly
Not simply trying to cope.
Standing tall
And firm
And grand,
No longer a boy
At last a man.
breaking free,
poem freedom change growth
Monday, July 5, 2010
Two Become One
He is happy.
You knew just what to do,
The right words to say,
The right places to touch.
He is content.
You are his adoring little wife
Quiet, obedient,submissive:
The perfect companion.
He is disappointed.
You weren't a big enough depository
For all his expectations
And dared to make it known.
He is afraid.
You let your potential shine.
Rather than stay in the corner he assigned you
You stepped up to meet new challenges.
He is confused.
You challenge his omnipotence,
Standing on your own two feet.
So where does that leave him?
He is angry.
You didn't keep your word.
You didn't stick to the plan
And the terms of your agreement have changed.
He is quiet.
You argued;
He yelled
And there is nothing else to be said.
He is pensive.
You have stepped back
To allow him space to come to terms
With a world turned on its head.
He is enlightened.
You are not the source of his woes;
You are not witholding
The keys to his happiness.
He is healed.
You are wife, lover, mother, friend.
You are strong, fragile, beautiful.
You are an individual and now part of a team.
You knew just what to do,
The right words to say,
The right places to touch.
He is content.
You are his adoring little wife
Quiet, obedient,submissive:
The perfect companion.
He is disappointed.
You weren't a big enough depository
For all his expectations
And dared to make it known.
He is afraid.
You let your potential shine.
Rather than stay in the corner he assigned you
You stepped up to meet new challenges.
He is confused.
You challenge his omnipotence,
Standing on your own two feet.
So where does that leave him?
He is angry.
You didn't keep your word.
You didn't stick to the plan
And the terms of your agreement have changed.
He is quiet.
You argued;
He yelled
And there is nothing else to be said.
He is pensive.
You have stepped back
To allow him space to come to terms
With a world turned on its head.
He is enlightened.
You are not the source of his woes;
You are not witholding
The keys to his happiness.
He is healed.
You are wife, lover, mother, friend.
You are strong, fragile, beautiful.
You are an individual and now part of a team.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
My Future Self
First to fear;
Last to run.
Number one talker;
Champion listener.
Mature and wise-
An immaculate child.
Always tactful;
Ever truthful.
Strong and brave;
Weak enough to admit wrong.
Flexible and understanding;
Principled and firm in resolve.
Confident in who he is;
Meek and unassuming in manner.
Able to seek advice;
Capable of standing in his own counsel.
Rooted deeply in the Word;
Free from superstition.
Such qualities attract me to others
And draw from me mingled envy and admiration.
These I strive daily to cultivate,
In order to become
The man,
The friend,
The brother,
The son
And, one day, the father
I was put on this earth to be.
Last to run.
Number one talker;
Champion listener.
Mature and wise-
An immaculate child.
Always tactful;
Ever truthful.
Strong and brave;
Weak enough to admit wrong.
Flexible and understanding;
Principled and firm in resolve.
Confident in who he is;
Meek and unassuming in manner.
Able to seek advice;
Capable of standing in his own counsel.
Rooted deeply in the Word;
Free from superstition.
Such qualities attract me to others
And draw from me mingled envy and admiration.
These I strive daily to cultivate,
In order to become
The man,
The friend,
The brother,
The son
And, one day, the father
I was put on this earth to be.
Three Strikes
One appeared on the doorstep.
Two arrived hand in hand.
Three came together
And were well met.
Once I tried to show you my mind.
Twice you seemed to want it.
Three times we purposed to start anew
But good intentions always fell through.
A little is better than glut.
Be still and value the treasure locked in silence.
See things for what they are
Prizing essence above form.
One time is enough for the wise.
Two blows make for experience.
Three strokes are often needed
Before words of reproof are heeded.
Once I fell,
A-shamed of my mistakes.
Twice I stopped abrupt and stood,
Be-set by guilt and trepidation.
Three times I changed courses
Seeing fresh perspective after each trial.
Two arrived hand in hand.
Three came together
And were well met.
Once I tried to show you my mind.
Twice you seemed to want it.
Three times we purposed to start anew
But good intentions always fell through.
A little is better than glut.
Be still and value the treasure locked in silence.
See things for what they are
Prizing essence above form.
One time is enough for the wise.
Two blows make for experience.
Three strokes are often needed
Before words of reproof are heeded.
Once I fell,
A-shamed of my mistakes.
Twice I stopped abrupt and stood,
Be-set by guilt and trepidation.
Three times I changed courses
Seeing fresh perspective after each trial.
forgiveness growing up,
Compliments of...
The thought of you
Sends delightful shivers along my spine
As you excite,
My very nerve cells.
My heart leaps
At the sight of you
You thrill me,
Move me,
Warm me,
Fill me
You make me glad.
Your smile
Makes me grateful for the gift of sight
You are inspiration,
To my spirit.
If I could count all the ways
You help to make me better
I would have a list ever-lengthening,
Oh the things you do to and for me!
I want to be Yours
I want to give you my greatest gift
A heart overflowing,
A Spirit in bloom,
A person whole and full
In return for Who You are.
Sends delightful shivers along my spine
As you excite,
My very nerve cells.
My heart leaps
At the sight of you
You thrill me,
Move me,
Warm me,
Fill me
You make me glad.
Your smile
Makes me grateful for the gift of sight
You are inspiration,
To my spirit.
If I could count all the ways
You help to make me better
I would have a list ever-lengthening,
Oh the things you do to and for me!
I want to be Yours
I want to give you my greatest gift
A heart overflowing,
A Spirit in bloom,
A person whole and full
In return for Who You are.
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