Monday, February 14, 2011

Al borde del mar

Me quedo
al borde del agua del mar
mirando no sé qué
haciendo lo que no sabría decir.
A mis espaldas
los jóvenes juegan al baloncesto
y me quedo aquí...

Me quedo aquí
al borde del mar
y las luces de las casas
del otro lado del agua
se encienden.
Los faroles se han encendido
desde no sé cuándo
y me quedo aquí...

Yo me quedo aquí
parado al borde del mar
mirando las olas
que se llevan la basura
y la depositan entre las rocas
salpicadas por la espuma blanca
del agua salada
que ya comienza a retroceder
y todavía me quedo aquí.

Al borde del mar
yo me quedo
mirando un barco
que sale del puerto.
Veo la gigantesca ola
que lo sigue.
Detrás de mí
el partido continúa
y no he movido
del borde del mar...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dobet Gnahore - Samahani

A gut-wrenching, soul-stirring, goose-prickle-raising apology from the heart. Merci Dobet pour cette chanson émouvante!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Barren earth where nothing grows,
Till the soil with hoe and plow.
Still no change appears over all the long, wide acres;
The hard, parched earth will nothing yield
Though coaxed and flattered and cajoled.

Set gaze to roam across the land,
And scout hill and meadow and field,
The wells are dry for lack of rain.
And though you try to dig it out,
Water is scarce in this relentless drought.

Fruit my fertile mind no longer bears
In honour of the farmer’s diligent work
Or in payment for his tireless years.
Now only fizzled out neurons
Are left to light the dark.

The tension and tiresome dither
Have proved treacherous to the tree
Which stands alone and withered.
Hands were held aloft to take,
And never did put back
A word of thanks or pretense of aid.
No fertilizer was ever laid
To enrich the giver,
Nor water applied to thirsty root,
Or sprayed on leaf or flower.

In this time of dearth
When there is neither death nor birth,
I watch in silence for a drop-
A sign to bring this to a stop.
Still no answer comes from cloudless vault;
No pearl of dew to soothe xerotic spirit
Lost in agonizing, pining guilt and fault.

So I lie down and cease to resist,
A listless pawn of fate
Letting dreary days drag on
Whilst others fight
And I am worn.